About Sarah

Who Am I? Good question.

I’m a lawyer turned naturopathic doctor AND lawyer. Pretty unique.

This makes me your asset.

I specialize in helping health and wellness practitioners protect their businesses and achieve success.

If you're a health professional with a growing practice and ambitious goals, I can provide you with legal solutions that align with your professional obligations.

I know how you need to operate.

I have a busy legal practice, a growing naturopathic practice, and a thriving integrative clinic - all of which are aligned with my core purpose of growing and achieving dreams.

How can I help you achieve your dreams?

Sarah’s practice focuses primarily in the area of corporate-commercial law in the healthcare setting. She advises wellness providers on all commercial aspects of law that affect their health care practice.


  • Positions and Memberships

    Member of the Law Society of British Columbia

    Legal Representative for the UBC-Providence Health Care Research Ethics Board

    Guest Lecturer - Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (Boucher Institute)

    Previous member of the Board of Directors of the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (accreditation phase)

  • Education & Bar Admission

    Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, 2018

    British Columbia Bar Admission, 2007

    University of British Columbia Law, 2006

    McGill University